Report from the Field

Dear Ones –

I promised to check in with you from time to time to give you quick updates on my new writing project. So here we are – my first report “from the field”! 

But first, I wanted to wish you all a happy, healthy summer, wherever you are.

 My new project, tentatively titled “The Other Side,” is coming along nicely, I’m glad to say. I’ve just begun work on Chapter 21, with fewer than ten chapters to go, I’m envisioning. Soon I’ll have to think about pounding the pavement for an agent and publisher, if it’s even meant to be a published book. Vamos a ver, as we say here (a lot) in Mexico. We’ll see!

 I also wanted to report that I just heard from my friend, “Amazing” Grace Fichtelberg. She apologized for not responding sooner to my WOW post about her of last May, which was my last weekly WOW — — but she had a good excuse. 

As she explained it, “I entered this world in the year 1924 – no computers, no antibiotics, no TV, no Einstein – and because of this my upbringing was simple and delicious. I had to use my brain and not rely on Google’s. That’s probably why I do not use email very often. Weeks go by before I open my computer….”

She ended her note with, “I’m so proud to have you as my friend,” and, “Wait until you reach 100 – then tell me how it feels. We’ll compare notes then.”

That’s Grace. She’s amazing. And so are you, my WOW friends!

 With love and gratitude,
