All posts by Bonnie Black

Bits and Pieces

I considered, briefly, titling this post “Pavlov’s Fish,” but then I thought better of it. After all, where’s the story? And who cares, really?

So I’ve trained by beloved goldfish, Goldie and Lox, to rise to the surface of their big bowl when I tap on the rim with the ring on my left hand to let them know I’m about to drop pinches of their food-flakes every morning and evening. So what? Doesn’t everybody do that?

Goldie and Lox

I could write, I guess, about how much I love these beautiful, fat (okay, “well fed”) fish, how much I love to watch them glide around, gobbling up their breakfasts and dinners that float down like confetti into their bowl.  But then doesn’t everybody love their pets? These goldfish – my first-ever goldfish – are my newest pets. End of that story.

A writer has to have a story to share. Stories are like food, don’t you agree? Stories provide sustenance. We humans (of all ages) require them. But I seem to be fresh out of whole stories at the moment. Now that I’m out of COVID quarantine, back in the land of the healthy-living, I have only bits and pieces to offer. Consider them tapas.

I’m realizing that several of my recent WOW posts have left readers dangling. They need satisfying endings. So that’s what I’ll try to provide now:

First, my COVID “happy ending” ( ): I’m out of the woods now, gracias a dios, and thanks to the effective medicines I was prescribed by the young doctor who made the house call. I learned that COVID can only be transmitted to others within the first several days after onset. (But I’m still wearing a face mask in public because so many people here are coughing and sneezing these days.) I also learned that Mexico does have the COVID-specific treatment Paxlovid, but it’s not widely available. As in the States, it’s used mainly for emergency cases.

Next Thursday I’ll be one of four readers at the Prose Café event here in SMA, reading from my Mali memoir. The theme is “Outsiders,” and – not to worry – I won’t be contagious! I’d love to see some of my WOW readers there:

Nov. 9, 5 pm, Cafe Murmullo, SMA

While I was home recovering from COVID, I watched more of my favorite TV food program, “Voy a Comer el Mundo” ( ), which took me “lands away.” The host Veronica’s tour of New York City, where I lived for twenty years, was pure perfection; and I was also taken to places I’ve never visited, such as Sydney and Hanoi. The time slot for this fun program has changed to 5-6 pm on weeknights, however. So do try to tune in to the El Gourmet channel if you can.

If you’ve been staying tuned, you may wonder what has happened about the “inspired” idea I had for my young friend in Segou, Mali ( ). The short answer is: no news yet. Things move slowly in Africa, and I’ve learned not to push. When you give, you release your hold on the purse strings. You let go and let God. If this enterprise is meant to be, it will be. Patience.

And, lastly, as some readers have asked me: What about the palm tree? ( ). This is another happy ending: When my dueñGabriel, after reading my blogpost, confronted the jefe next door and explained the reality of the situation — that a permit would be required to chop down the palm tree and a stiff fine would be imposed if it was cut down without a permit – the owners of the property abruptly changed their mind. The palm tree has been saved.

The palm tree beside my terrace — saved from the saw

“Power to the page!”