A Christmastime Stroll Through Centro

Every day of the year, everywhere you look here in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, you see beauty — both natural and manmade: flowers in bloom in all seasons, artful decorations celebrating any and all occasions. But at Christmastime, it seems to me, this beauty becomes boundless.

Come take a walk with me and see…

On yesterday’s walk in centro I saw several nativity scenes and liked this nearly life-size one (above) the best. At all of them the manger was empty, because here in Mexico the baby Jesus doesn’t appear on the scene until he’s born on Christmas morning.

I came across many welcoming angels and one sneaky devil (above), hiding near the crèche scene in the Jardin. What was he planning to do, I wondered?

This grand and elegant Christmas tree in front of the city’s iconic Parroquia church is the hub of this year’s Christmas festivities.

A short walk from the Parroquia you’ll find a popular Starbucks coffee house (above), with, appropriately, countless silvery stars glittering above it.

And on other streets, if you look up, you’ll find pinatas dotting the daytime sky.

Many doorways are festooned with Christmas garlands. To me, this one (above) wins the prize.

Everywhere you go in SMA, the beauty of the season welcomes you. If you don’t already live here, or you’re not one of the 145,000 expected visitors to this stunning old city this Christmastime, I hope this short tour will magically transport you.

Happy Holidays – and all best wishes for a beautiful 2023!

22 thoughts on “A Christmastime Stroll Through Centro”

  1. Dear Bon,

    What beautiful pictures! I clicked on each one of them, and it was as if I were there with you. I loved the big studded oak door outlined with greenery and poinsettias. It’s a real-life wonderland. What a pleasure it must be to live amidst it. Thank you for sharing this with us.


  2. Your stroll brings back memories of our visit to SMA in Dec. ‘21. And having lunch together with you amidst the colorful decor. You are in a little bit of paradise there.

    1. Yes, Theresa, I’ve got to admit, this is something of a paradise. It’s COLD here now, but not the below-freezing temps, snow and ice most of the U.S. is having to endure. You must come back for another visit in 2023! — BB

  3. I love to see how other Christian cultures celebrate Christmas. The idea of only putting in baby Jesus in the cradle, on Christmas Day is logical and shows thought has been put into the process. Thank you for sharing the beauty of where you are. I love seeing San Miguel through your eyes. Many Christmas Blessings to you!

  4. It looks like paradise compared to the icy rain and tree snapping wind we are experiencing here in the North East. Thanks for the warmth. Wishing you all the best in 2023.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. I wish the same for you! And, yes, this is a comparative paradise. It’s definitely COLD here now, but not freezing and certainly no snowstorms. My heart goes out to all of you suffering in that awful weather! Stay home and warm, BB xx

  5. Thank you for this, Bonnie. I wish I could be there to see it in person. Did you go out and paint any of it?

    It occurred to me while reading your post and looking at the photos you chose to feature that Mexicans *bother* to create beauty. It’s worth their time and creativity. These are probably civic groups or individual artists, right? They have so much beauty inside, they just want to express it for others to enjoy. You’re so lucky you made the decision to go live there.

    xoxo ~ Be

    1. Thank you, BeDear! Yes, I — and all my friends who live here — feel extraordinarily fortunate to be here. And grateful to the many wonderful Mexican people who make it possible for us to live here. Creativity seems to be in the air we all breathe. I’m looking forward to your next visit! — BB xx

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