
At a press conference beside the president of Finland at the White House the other day, in a wild, rambling, incoherent rant, Donald Trump, purported leader of the free world, referred to himself — once again — as “a stable genius.”

It’s been a crazy-busy-exhausting week, and my tank is on Empty. So instead of writing a whole new WOW, which would be my 270th weekly post in five-and-a-half years, I’ll just share with you this three-minute hilarious satirical video, “A Very Stable Genius,” by the one-and-only Randy Rainbow, who is a genuine genius.

Sometimes what we all need more than anything is a good laugh. If you’re feeling the way I do right now, be sure to click on this link; Randy is the balm:

8 thoughts on “Genius”

  1. Randy Rainbow is the best — huge talent, so creative! His hilarious parodies have helped me through the past 2+ Years. Thanks for alerting me to this one – I hadn’t seen it. Best, Jan

    1. Thank you for sharing this, Jan. I like to think that RR has actually saved lives (keeping some of us from jumping off a tall bridge) through the healing and uplifting power of laughter. 🙂

  2. Thank you Bonnie…that IS a good laugh and we need it. It was funny to here him sing of all the stupid stuff Trump has said and done…so clever. Phew – we are in a bad time!

    1. De nada, Pamela! Yes, Randy is the tonic. I make a habit of listening to his performances while I do housework so that I laugh out loud every day. His piece, “Desperate Cheeto,” is one of my faves. I love to dance to it. Check it out on YouTube.

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