Sweet Tarts for My Sweethearts is Born!


So happy to announce to all my WOW readers,

far and wide,

that my new “baby” book,

Sweet Tarts for My Sweethearts:

Stories and Recipes from a Culinary Career,

was born (at last!) this morning,

October 9, 2020,

at the Amazon.com “hospital”!

(click photo below)

Or, if you prefer, you can order it

directly from Nighthawk Press at:

Sweet Tarts for my Sweethearts


Please join me in welcoming Sweet Tarts to the world!

(Note: The eBook edition will follow soon.)


38 thoughts on “Sweet Tarts for My Sweethearts is Born!”

  1. Bonnie: Congratulations. I love all your books and this will be no different. The Amazon link did not take me to your book. You might want to check again. Ellen

    1. Thank you, dear Ellen. Yes, a friend just showed me how to insert the correct link, so it’s fixed now. (I can bake tarts, but I can’t seem to understand computer technology!) — xx

    1. Gracias, querida Te! Yes, you’re right. I need to link it to my Amazon page. (Thank you for giving me the link. I never know how to do these things.) Poco a poco… — xx

          1. DEAL! And I’ll bet I have better luck teaching you than you do teaching me, but I’ll keep an open mind on both counts!

  2. How wonderful! Thanks for the exciting announcement, I’ll be looking forward to holding your sweet new baby as soon as possible. I know I’ll cherish it for years to come!

  3. Congratulations! Your chocolate tart recipe is the best in the world and reason enough for everyone to buy your book!

    1. Thank you, dear Joyce! Good to hear from you. I was planning to write to you today to send you the “birth announcement.” So glad you already got the good news. I hope you and your baking friends enjoy baking from SWEET TARTS. — Stay safe and well, Bonnie

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